Are you a daily weigher, hoping that the numbers on the scale will provide the validation you seek on your bariatric journey?  If so, you’re not alone, but I’m here to tell you that hyperfocusing on that number might be doing more harm than good. First and foremost, let me validate your feelings and frustrations. […]


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the sleeved dietitian™ blog

Are you a daily weigher, hoping that the numbers on the scale will provide the validation you seek on your bariatric journey?  If so, you’re not alone, but I’m here to tell you that hyperfocusing on that number might be doing more harm than good. First and foremost, let me validate your feelings and frustrations. […]

Why Getting On The Scale Everyday Isn’t Helping Your Progress

Bariatric Tips

That one protein shake you grabbed on your way out the door? That one little yogurt you ate for breakfast? That string cheese you counted as your “lunch”? Yeah, Babe, I hate to break it to you, but that’s not a meal. That’s a snack at best, and even that’s reaching. The goal after weight […]

Are You Eating Enough After WLS?

Bariatric Tips

Before we dive too deep, lets start with some basics!  What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates aka carbs are the body’s main source of energy. Carbs are broken down into glucose to be used as fuel. There are two different types of carbs: Simple carbs and Complex carbs. Simple carbs: These are easier to digest and break […]

Carbohydrates after Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric Tips

Hey Babe! Sometimes we need to get a little creative when it comes to protein shakes after weight loss surgery. Trust me, I get it! While hitting your protein goals is very important post-WLS, so is enjoying life! It’s now March, which is the season of fast-food holiday themed shakes and I don’t know about […]

Bariatric Friendly Shamrock Shake


Meal prepping can seem overwhelming, so I’d like to share with you my favorite tips and tricks to quickly and efficiently plan meals all week long. Let’s take something that seems complicated and make it really simple! If you’ve been following along with me on my own WLS journey on Instagram, you already know that […]

Meal Prepping After WLS

Bariatric Tips

With Valentine’s Day approaching, this month is all about love. But let’s be honest. Sometimes it’s not all roses and chocolates. Sometimes, the idea of love after weight loss surgery can feel impossible. Before we learn to accept and receive love from others, we must learn to love ourselves. To accept who we are, who […]

Why you Need More Self-love after WLS
